Saturday, July 18, 2015

Animals and Poop

 We did our first game count yesterday and it was AMAZING. Safaris are a lot more tiring than one would think though. We were in the park from 8:30-6 and by the end of the day, I was exhausted even though I sat in a car all day. We saw a lot of animals though. Among them were baboons, blue monkeys, vervet monkeys, elephants, zebras, wildebeests, warthogs, water buffalo, giraffe, hippos, dik-diks, Thompson's gazelle, impala, hornbills, ostrich, flamingos, and more!

We saw at least 40 giraffes!
A hiding elephant!
Lake Manyara National Park from above
Me (in the center) and some of my other classmates
Lake Manyara National Park from within

Unfortunately, I can't post many pictures at once because our internet can't handle it. I'll post more pictures when I get back to the states though! Driving through the park was definitely an unforgettable experience. It was beautiful to see such exotic animals in their natural habitats!

Today we go to Manyara Ranch to practice tracking techniques. To prepare, we looked at a lot of animal dung in class today! We even passed it around. I think I've touched enough poop for one lifetime. 

My battery is about to die so kwaheri for now! 

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