Saturday, June 13, 2015

Sleepless in Ohio

It is currently 2:44 am and I cannot sleep.

It could be because I took a two and a half hour nap in the middle of the day.

It could be because I binge watched six hours of Orange is the New Black and my brain needs time to unwind.

Or it could be because there are now less than 30 days until I depart for my trip.

I told everybody who has asked me if I'm excited about my trip that it felt surreal. Now it is finally starting to become real. I found out that I was accepted into my study abroad program in November. It was snowing day, one where I spent the afternoon traipsing around outside in the cold working on my project for ecology. It seemed so far away when I told people I was going to Africa in the summer (majira ya joto). Now it is summer and my body is as red as a tomato from being outside in the sun and I don't have homework to distract me until I leave.

I hope that the next month both flies by and drags on. I'm ready to leave but also still a little unprepared. I'm excited but nervous. I am a hot mess of contradictions.

In the mean time, what I hope for the most is that a magical sleep fairy will sprinkle some sleep dust on me and I'll be out within in the next five minutes!

Kwaheri and 28 more days!

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